Curriculum vitae

I have 10+ years experience in user experience and human factors across industry, academia, and government and have worked on many research, design, strategy, and innovation projects throughout my career. This digital portfolio is an abbreviated collection sharing a few those projects.

Below is my CV. Please feel free to contact me at or fill at the form at the bottom of this page. 


PhD, Human Factors Psychology, Wright State University, 2017

MS, Human Factors Psychology, Wright State University, 2008

BA, Psychology, Wright State University, 2003

Wright State University & Sinclair Community College, Adjunct Faculty


Sr UX Researcher | Edward Jones (TekSystems) | 2022-present

Cognitive Systems Engineer, Technical Director | Mile Two | 2020-2022

Research Director | POMIET | 2019-2022

UX Research Manager | Rapid7 | 2017-2019

Human Factors Practice Lead | POMIET | 2015-2017

User Experience Specialist | LexisNexis | 2013-2014

User Experience Researcher | LexisNexis | 2011-2013

Part-time Faculty | Department of Psychology | Sinclair Community College | 2011-2014

Research Fellow | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base | Consortium Research Fellows Program | 2006-2010

Research Fellow | NSF IGERT Program | Wright State University | 2005-2006



Bigelow, M. R. G., Douglas, L. J., Morison, A., Smith, M. W., and Haggit, J. M. (2021). Responses to overload as foundation for a resilient project and organizational health metric. In Proceedings of Naturalistic Decision Making and Resilience Engineering Symposium. Toulouse, France.

Colle, H. A., Douglas, L. J., LaHuis, D., Reid, G. (In review). Theory and measurement of human episodic large-scale spatial memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

Keefer, R., & Douglas, L. (2019). Reducing stress in healthcare: Evidence from using an integration design model. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Caputo, A., & Douglas, L. (2018). Using systems thinking and analysis to bring alignment, understand risk, and prioritize improvements to your cross-functional processes. Presented at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design & Management, 1st International Symposium: Bridging the Gap, May.

Keefer, R., Douglas, L. J. (2017, November 28). Computer as partner: A synergistic approach to interaction design. UX Magazine. Retrieved from

Douglas, L. J., & Colle, H. A. (2017). Peripheral vision is sufficient for acquiring structural spatial knowledge during virtual navigation. Presented at the 6th Annual Midwest CogSci Conference, Miami University, Oxford.

Saffell, T. N., Colle, H. A., Bock, I. M., & Douglas, L. J. (2012). Enhancing spatial knowledge with discrete Euclidean virtual 3D display interfaces: Design options. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 28(1), 48-60.

Douglas, L. J., Aleva, D. L., & Heft, E. L. (2009). The placement of visual alerts in a shared display system. In Proceedings of SPIE: Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida. July.

Fitzhugh, E., Dixon, S., Aleva, D., Douglas, L., & Smith, E. (2009). Evaluating depth cues for 3D data networks. In Proceedings of SPIE: Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida. May.

Douglas, L., Aleva, D., Havig, P. (2007). Shared displays: An overview of perceptual and cognitive issues. In Proceedings of the 12th ICCRTS, Newport, Rhode Island. August.

Douglas, L. J., & Colle, H. A. (2005). Spatial orientation with a prominent hallway landmark. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting, 1873-1877, Orlando, Florida. October.


Douglas, L. J. (2017). The role of peripheral vision in configural spatial knowledge acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.

Douglas, L. J. (2008). Measuring configural spatial knowledge using alternative pointing judgments. Unpublished master's thesis, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.


Douglas, L. (2019). Data confidence score: A UX metric for qualitative data sets. Presented at IxDA Cincinnati, May.

Douglas, L. J., & Colle, H. A. (2010). Measuring configural spatial knowledge: techniques for directly comparing pointing tasks and sketch maps. Poster presented at Spatial Cognition 2010, Mt. Hood, Oregon.

McGregor, E. A., Colle, H. A., & Douglas, L. J. (2010). Redesigning the web experience: Facilitating cognitive learning. Poster presented at World Usability Day, LexisNexis, Dayton, Ohio.

Douglas, L. J., Aleva, D. L., & Heft, E. L. (2009). The placement of visual alerts in a shared display system. In Proceedings of SPIE: Defense, Security, and Sensing. Orlando, Florida.

Douglas, L. J. (2008). Spatial task performance: Ability, gender, and eye tracking. Invited talk, Visual Science Seminar, Proctor & Gamble, Mason Business Center, Mason, Ohio.

Douglas, L. J., & Edwards, J. M. (2006). Facilitating transition to the psychology major: The degree planning session. Poster presented at the 25th Annual First Year Experience Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Douglas, L. J., & D’Angelo, M. A. (2006). Learning with disabilities: Information = Success! Poster presented at the 6th Annual Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Douglas, L. J. (2005). Facilitating Transition to the Psychology Major. Poster presented at the 5th Annual First Year Experience Summit, Dayton, Ohio.


Leadership Challenge Certificate, International Leadership Associates, 2022

Emerging Leader Program, University of Dayton, 2022

Leadership Development Program, Rapid7, 2018

LexisNexis Innovation Award, 2013

LexisNexis Innovation Award, 2012

Graduate Stipend, Spatial Cognition Conference, 2010

Consortium Research Fellows Program, awarded 2006

Best Poster, 5th Annual Ohio First Year Experience Summit, Dayton, Ohio, 2005

National Science Foundation, IGERT, WSU, awarded 2005

Phi Beta Kappa/Psi Chi


City of Kettering, 2019-present

Goodwill Easter Seals, 2017-2019

UX Dayton organizer, 2015-2019

Graduate School Dean Search Committee, WSU, 2013

Graduate Student Assembly, Vice President and Treasurer, WSU, 2010-2012

Graduate Student Assembly, Co-Founder, WSU, 2010

School of Graduate Studies Dean’s Student Advisory Board, Executive Board, WSU, 2011

School of Graduate Studies Dean’s Student Advisory Board, Chair, WSU, 2010



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